Monday, June 22, 2009

WH0.BLOGSPOT.COM - 2 Post Wonder

Monday, December 22, 2003
.. what? I cant find my jacket. thats fucked. ¶ 12:23 PM
Saturday, December 13, 2003
" how the hell.. " alright, so we're tryin to figure how the hell to keep raeanne, my roommate, out of our garage for two days. Richard aka Batman and I figured duct tape and a piece of paper should work well seeing as how we couldn't find the key. " stay out, rae " with duct tape around the edges is what is reads on the garage door. alright, cool, so we got that down. We brought rae's new car from mikes garage to mine and now we're installin' all sorts of shit in it.
batman- how the hell do these seatcover things go on?
Shit. Seatcovers? why do chicks need seatcovers? its got fabric stuff on the seats already. why you guys need somethin over that? especially this crap with hawaiian
FLOW-ERS on it. but anyways, rae ain't home yet, she hasn't seen our sign.. or that we took her garage door remote out of her current car.. or that we took all of her cds out of her car also.. yeah. basically we're gonna get killed by the end of the night but.. oh well. she'll love us again around christmas time. ¶ 12:42 AM