Monday, November 15, 2004
first date
first of all... when you pick her up. leave your jacket by accident or purpose. i'll explain later...
many men make the mistake of thinking of sex on the first date.
the trick is NOT to think about sex or anything sexual. pretend that you are just interested in her. listen and watch her body language. only when her body language starts to invite you to put the move on her should you do do.
one exception: if she already had a lot to drink and is frisky. go for it. no body language needed.
as for what type of body language to look for?
well, look into her eyes when you talk to her. if she looks into your eyes as well, then there could be some spark. also, move closer to her... if she doesn't move away, then you are on the right track.
if all goes well, and you've kissed her during the date, then whe you drop her off, tell her you left your jacket upstairs (or another excuse of your own initiation) so you'll have an excuse to come in. some women feel uncomfortable about inviting a man into her place because she's worried about being seen as a slut. so save her the trouble and give her the perfect excuse to give you that first date sex.
posted by Jack at 2:02 AM 4 comments