Wednesday, July 2, 2008


February 10, 2004
Another day in the mood ......
I better start working on the bet. MAKE some real money, and be a Millionaire in two years. Well if my friend Money wins, maybe I can marry him. Right now I need to get out of my current fast-food job.
Me and Money did make some rules like 'no gambling'. I used to like to go to Vegas, but thats history, cause I have seen the misery it can cause. Better go now, or my boss will go nuts again. ( i like to come in late :- ) people are waiting to take over my job ;)- See ya all later.
# posted by Olive @ 9:02 AM
February 06, 2004
Today is the 2/6/04 and I have a 20 in my pocket. Remember this post. Two years. OK Money, when you win you give me half of what you own, darling.
# posted by Olive @ 3:04 PM
Hi there I am Olive. From now on you are going to hear alllll about my life with money. I mean Money, cause he's my friend. A real life person. I love this Blog, now I can take my mind of all this crap what is going on in my life.
Me and Money made a bet the other day. Two years to become RICH ! Well hope you going to still see me here in two years...only difference....I will be LOADED ! Oh YEAH. Just need to make plan.
More later.....bye now
# posted by Olive @ 11:14 AM

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