Saturday, October 02, 2004
Stud Muppet
This is tha story of how my life got fliped up side down becaue I was standing on my head,
I'll tell you all abut how to become a prince mild of bill's hair.
It was seven o'clock,I was looking rather shabby on my hair,witch is asshair from below...you know. The sun wassn't shining and the clouds wassn't shining either. I had to drink sopm urin,...ekskjus me, I ment water. The water wassn't rather hot...but pretty cold ...had to drink it fast to avoid pain that can be reseved by stupide obuse...rather harmless actually...but still.
The postman,Koy Orgjær,used to be gay...he allways came five minutes late,..to day he wassn't late,....I HATE when that happens,...so i killed he's monkey buttface with a big hammerslam.I traveled south....because that's were I use to work.I am a waist of talent,my tomagochy misslead unoutorised secretary woman said....she hate cheese cake,...but eat's it anyway...it's rather crazy actually if you ask me....she often marries me without asking,it's stupid....then she wont sleep with my and says that I look to uptight for her taste,so we devorse...Now I must hide forever.......
posted by Stud Muppet at 2:40 PM 3 comments