Wednesday, April 27, 2005
It all started as a joke.
24 yr. Female. Single for 1 yr. (By choice - 5 months)
So, there I was pretending to be some girl online who's "winking" at a friend, when I'm deluged with crazy emails...and winks, based on the profile. What's a self-respecting chick supposed to do, but play along? So I put up my picture. AND....I saw how shallow and visual men (and women) can be. It went from 5 winks and 4 emails(pre-pic) to 50 winks and 30 emails (post-pic) and growing. Responded and discarded most...and kept the interesting ones.
Experiment starts tomorrow with a 27 yr. old B-Schooler, followed by drinks on Friday with a 36 yr. old researcher and more drinks on Saturday with a 26 yr. old consultant.
posted by Sycamore at 12:58 PM 3 comments