Tuesday, July 1, 2008


Sunday, October 26, 2003

DanFan- how bout them mexicans? haha you know i love you. don't worry, the universe will soon align itself so that we too may get some. p.s. cindy- ur the greatest.

MJD- you are the master jew, shalom fa sho. our walks (and now drives) around jacaranda are the best.

daniel- you were my first husband, i will forever cherish our short marriage. i love making you laugh.

jessicaashleen- jessica, there are a lot of dumb people in this world. making fun of people is always better with you.

jenna arisa- haha ur middle name is great. sorry about ur window, it won't happen again. ur sister's a ho bag.

s.m.u.- lyl

heather paige- we've grown apart over the years, but i'll always be ur friend bc ur gonna be famous.

cary- u are evil. i love it.

- posted by <3 @ 5:42 AM

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