Thursday, November 20, 2003
JO AND I ARE GOING TO DECORATE THE BIG WALL! Now Rich can shut the fuck up about how much better his room is than ours. So we may or may not be moving...but the big wall needs something in the interim. Yeah it does. Jo says get a big canvas and spend a weekend painting but 1. we don't have the money for a canvas that big or paint to cover it and 2. we don't have an entire weekend to spare. I say just plagiarize LiveBear but I guess that would take alot of money and effort too. DUDE we haven't even hung up the friggin Chinese lanterns yet. DUDE. In addition, I have discovered that chucking a tennis ball at Loren/Anthony's wall really pisses them off and makes them shut off the music. So I'm totally going to bring my softball glove back with me when I go home for Thanksgiving and go nuts. Kill Bill style.
Yeah so I missed the Ani concert tonight. I don't want to talk about it. I'm poor and my seat would have been so bad and nobody wanted to go with me I would have gone alone, and that would have sucked. Actually, I'm sure it still would have been awesome but I'm trying to ignore that. Her new CD comes out Jan 20 and Bodily is on it and the lyrics are so sad and that was my song of last February when shit was going down but I still haven't actually HEARD the song...just read the lyrics. I really really really hope I love what the song sounds like as much as I love the words. She is my ultimate girl crush but that's nothing you don't already know. I can't wait to come home and just drive around with Ania and listen to Serpentine or Overlap or School Night or TWO LITTLE GIRLS. So many car rides with Ania and post-prom driving from Sarah Murdoch's with Laura Bornstein to Caitlin's listening to Adam and Eve. (HAAAAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAA.) Shit. What a beautiful night.
Ok so I have an internet journal and it's probably not going to be nearly as scandalous as everyone expects but I'll try to keep doing dumb shit to keep it fresh. Now time to download porn and sleep because I register at 9:15 tommorrow. Yikes. ¶ 10:57 PM