Thursday, April 26, 2007
musings on a hot afternoon
my day was good so far, except for this giant pimple on my nose which is a constant source of irritation and's ruined my spirits and i am trying not to think about it and thats really hard. Pimple's have always been there, they just appear and disappear every now and then.........i never cared much about them as I do now, thats because i have nothing to do today....the reason being i am having holidays for 2 months........till the end of may. And i am bored, sounds very cliched but true, very true in my case because i like being busy, doing things and not having time to rest, and complaining about it while i am actually enjoying myself...........
I've been trying to put my time to good use, been reading quite a bit, but how long can one read?? well, not very long i suppose. Of late i just cant focus on one thing, my mind keeps wandering......Just hope June comes as soon as it can, I just cant wait to get back to college......... and begin my journey once again.
Posted by greeshma at Thursday, April 26, 2007 0 comments Links to this post