Saturday, August 30, 2003
I know it's cheating to do a few of these together...but it's my blog. Friday was very quiet in the IT department, lots of sore heads, no appetites. Still quick hair of the dog at 4pm, and I managed to perk up a bit. Sadly, it was a little temporary. Asleep by 10pm.
// posted by duncan @ 12:31 PM
Well so much for the gym. Ian is leaving the US this week, so there have been a few too many beers in a few too many bars. Thursday night in the Beer Garden at Bohemia Hll in Queens (great on a summers evening, bit chilly in Feb). 30 people for the drinks, lots of hangovers on Friday.
// posted by duncan @ 12:29 PM
Tuesday, August 26, 2003
Well this is it. I have become a blogger, even though I'm not sure if it will change my life. Have a horrible feeling that seeing life in a diary will just get me depressed. On the other hand, it might make go out and do more.
Well, after leaving work at about half six I went to the gym. Bumped into Karl, who is one of the trainers. He's going on holiday to Jamaica tomorrow, so I signed up for some lessons, not sure why, not even sure what lessons, probably kick boxing. Something for stress relief. I wonder if stress relief is tax deductible?
// posted by duncan @ 10:31 PM