Sunday, October 06, 2002
Star dust flakes my forehead. I need to call Shawna , but i also need to clean the house. I really miss the past. This ty has to be stopped. nO GUY so young an so general is worth that much. Even i know that. The concert was loud and has sent me in a weekend haze. Mother will be home soon. Paula has turned 21. Its too bad we arewn't better friends, but she seems so much older. Even sharon seems younger than her, but sharon acts tons younger. I hope that UNcle Michael, aunt Rona & Emily come for Thanksgiving. I
m not hungry, but i canm feel white chocolate in my mouth. I hate the taste, how i used to love it, o well.
12:09 some SUNday in october, the 5th was yesterday
posted by Mary at 12:10 PM