Wednesday, August 27, 2003
First posting - I'm new to this blogging lark!
Liked this blog, as he seems a man after my own heart -
So, just 50 things about SameoldSameold
1. Married to the lovely Karen, for 7 years
2. We have two children, Xana, born in March 1998, & Sam born in March 2000
3. I am a computer programmer in Bristol
4. But I live in Cheltenham - I've been doing this 50 mile commute for 4 years now - I should have my own private lane on the M5 !
5. The name Xana is the Portuguese abbreviation for Alexandra
6. I sang & played in a Soul band in Gloucestershire between 1992 & 1997
7. I would like to live in Switzerland
8. I share my birthday with Graham Gooch
9. I'm a half decent golfer, but permanently unlucky
10. I don't understand computers
11. My favourite food is Ben & Jerries ice cream
12. I've had 1 car crash & it was my fault (noone was hurt)
13. The Blues Brothers is my favourite film
14. I'm not cool - when everyone was listening to The Jam I was into Status Quo
15. I’m not materialistic, at least I won’t be once I’ve got everything I need
16. We have 6 CD devices in our house
17. The best thing I ever did (apart from getting married & having children OF COURSE) was learn to snowboard
18. We lived in Cascais, nr Lisbon for 1 year
19. Places we have been on holiday ...Memphis, Nashville, Chicago, Florida(Orlando & Tampa), Vermont (in winter - that was COLD), Turkey (in summer - that was HOT), Mont-St-Michel (the MOST touristy place on earth), EuroDisney, Cornwall, Cumbria
20. Places we are going on holiday... Majorca (2004), EuroDisney again (2004)
21. Places we would like to go, but.....Amalfi coast in Italy, Thailand, Himalayas
# posted by Mike @ 6:13 AM